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Showing posts from December, 2003
Psst...looking for a good deal? HBO & DirecTV have a $15 off coupon at the HBO store (no DVD's or videos; sorry!) on any order size! And, order $45 or more and they throw in free shipping. Not bad...
Gotta say thanks to all for making my birthday great (and tolerable)! Amy got me a new lighter and a handful of Zino Mouton Cadet's! Pete & Lani got the ultimate geek gift this geek could want: The DVD collection of Battlestar Galactica! A wonderful gift from a wonderful person in Boston: Clerks, the Comic! Thank you, Nina! A wireless weather station from my father and Fenna! (You can read all about the rabble rouser here ...even a picture!) The absolutely definitive Global Encyclopedia of Wine , from my mother and Harold! And other special gifs from very special people... I do not deserve such love and appreciation. There are not enough thanks in the world to give. Thanks.