It had to happen: they gave my guru, The Sports Guy, his own Super Bowl Blog. Folks, even if you don't like sports, check out the man's writing. No one...NO ONE...captures the essence of what it was like to be raised in New England in the 1970's and 1980's. The cultural touchstones are eerie. I may look like Kevin Smith's long lost brother, but Bill Simmons and I are very close to being the same person...just he has more talent.
As some of you know, I've spent over 15 years in the customer loyalty space. So, when I come across a new retail loyalty program, I can't help but see the pluses and minuses. After this many years, it's kind of ingrained. Periodically, I'll share my thoughts with you. Today, it's Kohl's turn under the scope. Let's have a look, shall we? I've divided the review up into three sections: what's good about the program, what's bad about the program, and what I'd change about it. That last one has some actual value: I charged hundreds of dollars per hour for loyalty program consulting, and had over a dozen clients, before I moved to JustAnswer FT. But, being a pandemic and all, I'm giving it away for free here. Kohl's, you're welcome. Here we go! The Good Sign up is opt in Seems odd to praise Kohl's for this, but in department store loyalty, this is a rarity, and a smart one. It means the customers who are opted in are already prime...