Back in the 1980's, in upstate New York, there was a local beer ad that's whole pitch was a constant barrage of "That's Great!", followed by counter arguments, set to the exclamations of "That's...not so good." On that context, I deliver the news that t
he SlingBox iPhone app is finally imminent, according to Engadget.
What's Great?
- You can finally watch Sling content on the ultimate portable device.
- They reversed a previous stance, making it compatible with all current and future SlingBoxes.
What's Not So Good?
- It clocks in at $30, a whopping amount for an iPhone app.
- They will not provide any support for the app to users of the older SlingBoxes.
- No 3G support: WiFi only.
While it'll be available tomorrow morning, I think the price point is rough. I'll have to think pretty long and hard to consider this purchase. $9.99, you had me. Above that....That's Not So Good.