Online bike clothing retailer HuckNRoll sent me this e-mail this week, and it's a brilliant example of irreverence and attention grabbing that fits well with their brand. To deconstruct:
- The headline: hilarious, attention getting, and clever.
- The featured sections: note how the features escalate from "Cool Gear" to "Cold Gear" to the piece de resistance, "Holy #$!T It's Freezing Gear"
- Note the subheads for each of the featured sections, each increasing in irreverence with the purported temperature drop. "Grow a pair" LOL
- Finally, the piece that really caught my hilarity: the subject line. I had to Google this one. Note: Google's habit of delivering suggested Image search results right away makes this a somewhat NSFW search term. However, unlike my previous annoyance with juvenile e-mail marketing subject lines, this one fits the brand perfectly, it makes great sense and is definitely a to speak.