Who the heck is Alan Moore? V for Vendetta is one of his. So is the original (not the Hollywood version) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. His works are absolutely as influential as Frank Miller or Neil Gaiman in the world of graphic novels. Alan Moore wrote many of the most startling visions of the late 80's, and pretty much claimed the world of graphic novels. But nothing, nothing, defined Alan Moore's work better than the amazing series, Watchmen. It's uncompromising, unrelenting, utterly adult, and perfect for the medium.
Alas, for Alan Moore fans, we've waited for his amazing writing to grace the silver screen. LXG was an abomination, making him so violently disgusted with Hollywood, he swore off any future participation. V was a triumph, but he even disavowed that. And Watchmen? It's been considered "unfilmable." But the director of this week's hit Frank Miller adaptation, The 300, is making a savvy attempt to plead his case, with that image up on the left inserted into a web-only 300 trailer: Rorschach, in all his grim Watchmen glory. Smartly appealing to the fanboys, this director made a success out of another "unfilmable" movie this weekend; perhaps he can try with the greatest Moore epic of all?
And yes, I do own the original Watchmen series, along with the original Frank Moore Batman Returns and the infamous "Death of Phoenix" X-Men, along with about 1000 others. I'll be glad to post an inventory, if you're interested.