The second is more sinister, and sad: Tweeter Etc. was purchased by a liquidator. Why this is sinister: they told all the company employees last week that they were shutting the distribution center, and arranging to have all shipments sent directly to the stores, saving them $12 million. This was received with, to say it nicely, some skepticism. Sure enough, they made a backroom deal to liquidate the stores, and got out of town before the pitchforks could come out, or the torches lit. Sleazy.
Why this is sad: Tweeter was based in Canton, MA. I bought my first real stereo from them, a sexy, sleek 1980's black Mitsubishi all in one. It also started my lifelong love of the deal: the stereo sold for months as $1,099, but I was able to get a floor model for under $300. I had that stereo for over 20 years, and it never failed to impress me. It was so far ahead of its time, it made Bang & Olufsen look like dinosaurs. At the time, growing up in MA, you had only places like Service Merchandise or Lechmere to satisfy your CE jonesing; when Tweeter emerged, it was like the rules of CE retail completely changed: instead of harsh lights and horrible salespeople, you had a studio-like atmosphere, with relaxed enthusiasts to guide you through the hi-fi decision. Such a sad way for it all to end.
Looks like a sad CE Xmas ahead, but a good one for deal-finders and Best Buy stockholders.