In this age of identity theft, these paper scraps of data are more like tempting morsels for identity thieves. Worse, standards are completely absent: some retailers print the last 4 digits of a credit card on your receipt; others print all but the last 4. A thief only has to take a gander at a mall trash can, and they have the equivalent of an all-expenses paid trip around the world. Emailing these receipts ends this risk, and focuses on what we really need: unlimited storage, indexable, at any time. Gmail offers almost just that with this approach.
The road is littered with false promises here, however, and this seems to have some suspicious earmarks of a less-than ready for primetime approach. For instance, head over to, and note the lack of many specific details. Worse, there's a link for "consumers" to a promising "," which links only to a link farm. Could be careless coding, could be poor design...or it could be worse. I'll say this: I've had occasion to work with hundreds of retailers and their POS systems. The one thing I can tell you is that almost none are standards-based, and each require massive customization. So, when I hear about a company that promises a solution that works with all POS systems, to interrupt the most basic function of receipt printing, I am hopeful...but skeptical.
I hope I am wrong...most sincerely.