Some interesting tidbits:
- In all the hubbub about the Kindle iPhone app, Stanza got missed. Stanza claims more than 1.4 million unique iPhone and iPod Touch users, and links users to a store with more than 100,000 books and periodicals.
- A new type of e-reader is due next year from Plastic Logic, and features a plastic screen made from plastic transistors. It's the width and height of an 8.5-inch by 11-inch sheet of paper, is less than a third of an inch thick, and weighs 16 ounces. Its dimensions make it suitable for reading magazines and documents as well as books.
- Plustek introduced a scanner that creates do-it-yourself audio books. It’s not an e-reader, but the BookReader V100 lets you scan books, then convert them from text to speech and then to MP3 files for your iPod or other portable.